East Coast Ultra Running Podcast

012 - Brad Park - Ten 10 Running

Sean Blanton Season 1 Episode 12

Brad Park is family to the RunBum community.
He's been the host of the Ten10 Running club for over 7 years.
He is an ultra runner, but more importantly an ultra supporter.
When he's not running races, he's always volunteering as aid station captain, trail maintainer, and runner support and crew.
If you want to get into the trail running community, Brad is your mentor, and friend.
Ten10 run club was where Sean and Scott (our producer and media coordinator) first met. I know, how cute.
We here at the podcast are huge advocates of getting people into the ultra and trail community, and without people like Brad, we'd be a lost cause.

Check out the Ten10 run club

If you're looking for some fall races for your 2023 calendar, check out our races open for registration now!

Podcast produced, edited and all wizardly techy things  by
Looking Glass Designs, LLC

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